I really liked writing down a bunch of random thoughts last time so I think that i will do it again. Hmm lets see what comes out this time.
Last night we watched "Hotel Rwanda" and it was a really good movie, despite being very intense and somewhat disturbing. It makes me wonder what my reaction would be if I had seen these atrocities on the television. Would I have stood up and tried to do something? I would sure hope that I would, but would I feel so small and think that I could not make a difference? I hope that I never have to find that out.
Another thought that came to my mind was about what I want to be as a man. The main character had some traits that I certainly want to have. He was very brave, courageous, loved his family more than himself, and respectable in the eyes of those around him. I once read the book "Tender Warrior" and thought that that book describes what I want to be as a man and how I want to relate to my wife, my kids, and those around me. I guess what I am thinking is that I am still a man in progress and as I grow and develop into the man that I will become, these are some of the characteristics that I want to have.
Hmm so far this randomness isn't as fun as the last one....
So I am really getting excited about heading out to Cali with Jeff and Vince. We are gonna spend a week out there learning to surf. Its gonna be a great time just to hang out, have an awesome time. I have never surfed but I spent a lot of time body boarding as a kid in Hawaii. I love the ocean and can't wait to get back to it and enjoy sun, sand, and water.
I just remembered that I will get to enjoy the ocean sooner than that on the cruise that I am going on in March. I am getting pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I have never been on a big boat, especially one where I will have to dress up for dinner on.
Well I think thats about all I have this time. I hope to come up with a good not so random topic for my next one. We'll see how that works out.
Great question: What do I want to be as a man? Most of our life is about choices. Those 2 ideas are things I wrestle with all the time. I alos struggle through the idea of becoming and what I am now. The truth is I don't think we ever become. Our process is life. Oswald Chambers says something like that in my utmost for his highest. I like your blog. Your thoughts are cool.
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