Monday, January 23, 2006

Something More

So today was an interesting day that just left me in a whirlwind. It started off with church where Brad talked the parable of the talents, and how we need to use what he has given us. Apparently God is telling me that I have lots of gifts, talents whatever you want to call them, that I am not using. Jeff talked about the same passage a couple weeks ago and I felt the same way. So here is the problem.... I haven't the slightest idea what gifts or talents God has blessed me with. Nor do I have the slightest idea where or how he wants me to use them. So that left me with a lot of randomness in my head. Then this evening we had our first service for Flow. It was pretty cool and I am interested to see where things go. The best part for me was afterwards when I got to have a good conversation with Nichole. We talked about how we're both kind of feeling disatisfied with our direction in life and while our lives are good, we just don't feel like we're heading where God wants us to be. There is a feeling of confusion there and unrest and I am realizing that it is very common amongst people in our age group. On the way home Jeff and I talked about it and he suggested I not try and ignore that feeling or try and put it off but I pursue it now. I think he is right and he said the answer may not be what I want to hear but its where I need to be. That scares me. Hmm... there it is again. Fear holding me back. I can't let it.So here are the big questions in my life right now:

What has God given me and how can I use those gifts?
What am I passionate about?
What do I want to be doing with my life?
Where should I be going with my life?
Where AM I going with my life?

Wow this blog is really depressing and so I think I am going to put in a nice picture of what I wish I were doing while I ponder these questions.... On a beach much like this one, in a Hammock with an ice cold Ale8 in my hand... ahhhh now thats good for the soul.


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